Thursday, September 1, 2011

How Did the Black Arabs Become White?

How did Arabia and the Arabs, the home and people of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s), go from this:

To this?

In ways simlar to Algiers and North Africa in general did. Lucien Herault, writing about the white slave-trade into North Africa in the the 17th century, observes: 

"In the first half of the sevententh century, the number of (white) captives held itself around a fluctuating population figure of around 20, 000, that, joined to the 20, 000 renegades (i.e. European converts to Islam) and to the numerous contingents of Albanians and Bulgarians serving in the militia, made of Algiers a white city, approaching closer [in terms of] blood and of race to the various European ports on the other bank [of the Mediterranean] than to all the other Moorish or Turkish cities."

"Les Troubles d'Alger et la Redemtion des Esclaves en 1645 (d'apres manuscript marseillas)," in J. Billioud (ed.), Memoires de l'Institut historique de Provence 10 (1933): 87-8. 

This is no doubt the significance of the Prophet's words:

Zayd b. Aslam related that the Prophet (s) saw a vision and told his companions about it. He said: “I saw a group of black sheep and a group of white sheep then mixed with them [until the white sheep became so numerous that the black sheep could no longer be seen in the herd of sheep.] I (or Abu Bakr with angelic approval)  interpreted it to mean that [the black sheep are the Arabs. They will accept Islam and become many. As for the white sheep, they are the non-Arabs (i.e. Persians, Turks, Byzantines, ect.)] They will enter Islam and then share with you your wealth and your genealogy [and become so numerous that the Arabs will not be noticed amongst them.]” 

Just to be clear, the Black Arab shown above is a Mahra Arab. The Mahra are indigenous Arabs of southern Arabia who are believed to be the living remnant of the Banu Ad Arabians who likely built the fabled but recently discovered Imran civilization in south-east Arabia some five thousand years ago. The white Arab is King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi family is from the Banu Murad, from the Anaza b. Wa’il, which in pre-Islamic and early Islamic days was a tribe of black-skinned Arabs like the Mahra.   

 The indigenous peoples of Arabia, including the Arabs, are African peoples. The Encyclopedia Britannica (9th Edition) correctly points out:

“(Regarding) [t]he origin of the Arab race…the first certain fact on which to base our investigations is the ancient and undoubted division of the Arab race into two branches, the ‘Arab’ or pure; and the ‘Mostareb’ or adscititions…A second fact is, that everything in pro-Islamitic literature and record…concurs in representing the first settlement of the ‘pure’ Arabs as made on the extreme south-western point of the peninsula, near Aden, and then spreading northward and eastward…A third is the name Himyar, or ‘dusky’…a circumstance pointing, like the former, to African origin. A fourth is the Himyaritic language language…(The preserved words) are African in character, often in identity. Indeed, the dialect commonly used along the south-eastern coast hardly differs from that used by the (Somali) Africans on the opposite shore…Fifthly, it is remarkable that where the grammar of the Arabic, now spoken by the ‘pure’ Arabs, differs from that of the north, it approaches to or coincides with the Abyssinian…Sixthly, the pre-Islamitic institutions of Yemen and its allied provinces-its monarchies, courts, armies, and serfs-bear a marked resemblance to the historical Africao-Egyptian type, even to modern Abyssinian. Seventhly, the physical conformation of the pure-blooded Arab inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut, Oman, and the adjoining districts-the shape and size of head, the slenderness of the lower limbs, the comparative scantiness of hair, and other particulars-point in an African rather than an Asiatic direction. Eighthly, the general habits  of the people,-given to sedentary rather than nomade occupations, fond of village life, of society, of dance and music; good cultivators of the soil, tolerable traders, moderate artisans, but averse to pastoral pursuits-have much more in common with those of the inhabitants of the African than with those of the western Asiatic continent. Lastly, the extreme facility of marriage which exists in all classes of the southern Arabs with the African races; the fecundity of such unions; and the slightness or even absence of any caste feeling between the dusky ‘pure’ Arab and the still darker native of modern Africa…may be regarded as pointing in the direction of a community of origin.”

The Pure Arabs and the East Africans are indeed kith and kin. Bertram Thomas, historian and former Prime Minister of Muscat and Oman, reported in his work ‘The Arabs’:

“The original inhabitants of Arabia…were not the familiar Arabs of our time but a very much darker people.  A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya.  This belt…(gave) rise to the Hamitic peoples of Africa, to the Dravidian peoples of India, and to an intermediate dark people inhabiting the Arabian peninsula.  In the course of time two big migrations of fair-skinned peoples came from the north…to break through and transform the dark belt of man beyond India (and) to drive a wedge between India and Africa…The more virile invaders overcame the dark-skinned peoples, absorbing most of them, driving others southwards…The cultural condition of the newcomers is unknown.  It is unlikely that they were more than wild hordes of adventurous hunters.”

The Mahra Arabs, like the other northern and southern Black Arabs, are descendents of the aboriginal Africoid Arabians or Afrabians. They are not, as some would like to believe, descendents of “slaves and concubines.”

For further documentation see:

Wesley Muhammad, “Anyone who says that the Prophet is black should be killed”: The De-Arabization of Islam and the Transfiguration of Muhammad in Islamic Tradition @

Wesley Muhammad, “Prophet Muhammad and the Black Arabs: The Witness of Pre-Modern Chinese Sources,” @

An my Note: “The African-Arabian Origin of Islam: A Brief Bibliography” 


Wesley Muhammad. PhD


  1. I need reference for this Hadith:

    Zayd b. Aslam related that the Prophet (s) saw a vision and told his companions about it. He said: “I saw a group of black sheep and a group of white sheep then mixed with them [until the white sheep became so numerous that the black sheep could no longer be seen in the herd of sheep.] I (or Abu Bakr with angelic approval) interpreted it to mean that [the black sheep are the Arabs. They will accept Islam and become many. As for the white sheep, they are the non-Arabs (i.e. Persians, Turks, Byzantines, ect.)] They will enter Islam and then share with you your wealth and your genealogy [and become so numerous that the Arabs will not be noticed amongst them.]”

    1. False Hadith ARABIA WAS NEVER BLACK

    2. How when Ishamel was half Egyptian and his wife was and Egyptian. Your a fake arab who is really a turk. Face the facts. Tents of Kedar are Black. Kedarites were from Ishamel. Kedarites were BLACK.

    3. Arabs mainly from middle east today have extremely high frequency of Y-DNA paternal haplogroup J1 which is only found in Arabs! Haplogroup J1 is not found in Turkey, Europe, Persia, or anywhere but in Arabs, and it is in high frequency especially in Gulf Arabs. Why are afrocentrists claiming everyones race!!!
      J1 is as known as J-M267, alot of information you can get here!

    4. Dude, the haplogroup that Modern Arabs carried now, doesn't disprove his point the Ancient Arabs and most Middle Easterners weren't originally racially heterogeneous. Most parts of the Middle East experienced demographic changes over the last 3,000 years. Also haplogroup J can be also found in North and East Africa, as well as Anatolia. Another thing I must add, it isn't like we're simultaneously trying to claiming your everyone so-called past, bit given the circumstances that you are a racially mixed individual, it makes no difference as we're dealing with the history of Black people I'm general and not just Africa, thus label such as Afrocentric shouldn't be used at all in regards to these people, as they were genetically Asians and not Africans, although they were of recent African admixture and are both genetically, culturally, and linguistically affiliated with Africans, mostly those in Northeast Africa, but still they were Black.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Fahad, tell that to the Mehri man, there are genetically Southwestern Asians after all.

    7. I dont meant to get biblical on folks but the bible tells us Ham the progenitor of black nations had the most documented tribes of Arabia( 5 to be exact). Shem has only 1 tribe of arabia documented. Japeth has no tribes of Arabia documented.

    8. To add reguarding the reference to y DNA haplogroup J1, it is also found at both high and low frequencies throughout the Caucasus, notably high amongst the Avaras, Dargins, Kaitak and at highest amongst Kubachi (99%). None of these people are Arab or even of the Semitic language family, all are high in J1. "Anonymous" could easily find this information on his own source (Wikipedia).

  2. When ignorance knows how to type!
    In North africa there are two indiginous people: berber and africans. Berber in general leave in quite cold zones and are white skin. white but not in the way of europe. indeed their color are more close to the real white color. the other people are black africans and leave in hot zones. Of course during time there was a mix so you find today that most of north africans are like a mix. the mix included also the arabs who came from the east, the moresks who came from spain. So there were alwas a mix of people in north africa and some few white angel slaves is not enough to color a whole population when we know is having a child with a slave is always a shame even when the slave is white ;)

    1. You also forgot the beju of sudan who are the original berbers

    2. The somalis were also known as berbers.Somalis were reffered to as berber by romans and arabs. Somalia was called Bilad al barbaria (Land of the Berbers).
      The north african berbers were just some more somalis before white migration

      look at his ancient roman map were both somalia and north africa is called berbers

    3. North-africans are known as - Imazighen -.
      Berber is a term made and used by European people meaning barbarian.
      The 7th century arab invasion is a myth ( nurtered by islamo-baathist propaganda).
      The people that came with islam in North-africa were people converted to islam from Sudan and Erytrea. The black islamic warriors from Sudan and Erytrea who crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to Spain were those who were called "Moors" as a matter of fact..
      The true arabs were people from Syria who came by boats to go to Spain and they were a tiny minority.
      And by the way genetics confirmed the black roots of the inhabitants of the arabian peninsula.

      "the Arabian Peninsula has received substantial gene flow from Africa (20%), detected by the presence of L, M1 and U6 lineages; that an 18% of the Arabian Peninsula lineages have a clear eastern provenance, mainly represented by U lineages; but also by Indian M lineages and rare M links with Central Asia, Indonesia and even Australia."
      "the lack of primitive autochthonous M and N sequences, suggests that this area has been more a receptor of human migrations, including historic ones, from Africa, India, Indonesia and even Australia, than a demographic expansion"

    4. "..In North africa there are two indiginous people: berber and africans. Berber in general leave in quite cold zones and are white skin. white but not in the way of europe. indeed their color are more close to the real white color."?!

      "Berber" = Indus = Km = Black! wtf are you talking about?! Caucasoids have falsified every thing in very poor attempts at writing themselves into the African past reality. Further, the current Leucoderms of North Africa are descendants of the Romans, Goths, Visigoths, Franks, Germanic Caucasoid Muslims who invaded North Africa in 639 AD; they are NOT autochtones of North Africa!

      "When ignorance knows how to type!", what say you now?

    5. thanks brother. tired of these white people trying to discredit the truth of the origin of everyone. they want everyone to be considered caucazoids so they can cling to them since they have no real history to cling to nor lineage. hell they arent even caucazoids seeing they didnt come to europe from central asia until 1200BCE when they were expelled by mongols. they have the same Y DNA as the dravidians/dalits of south india.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. dude shut up with preposterous eurocentric misnformation. white people are always assimilating into cultures to claim their ancestry. the berbers of North Africa are from E-M81 mutation of e1b1b1 which that Y DNA is highest in somalia.

    8. As salamu alaikum imam suyuti RA book tarikh AL khulaff the history of the kaliphs ALI IBN TALIB RRA-e was heavyset bald hairy man of avg. Height which leaned towards shortness he had a large stomach and a large beard his beard was white as if it was cotton and he was a BLACK SKINNED MAN. color of imam MAHDI -quite man is for avg. Height DARK macthum having a beard shape that is smoothed longer downwards compared to sides kawsaj sparsely bearded at the sides IBN hajar al haythami al fatawa al hadithiyya p. 41

    9. So many afrocentrists who either twist or lie about science. Mt-DNA haplogroup L is in 20% frequency in some Arab population due to the the slave trade. Arabs mainly from middle east today have extremely high frequency of Y-DNA paternal haplogroup J1 which is only found in Arabs! Haplogroup J1 is not found in Turkey, Europe, Persia, or anywhere but in Arabs, and it is in high frequency especially in Gulf Arabs. Why are afrocentrists claiming everyones race!!!

    10. Arabs are olive skinned and have been olive skinned since the neolithic period! J1 existed in middle east since before the neolithic period! Btw when I say Arab I mean Arab from the middle east. No one else in the world has J1 except in much smaller frequency of some countries that have been Arabised like in North Africa and some in East Africa.
      J1 is as known as J-M267, alot of information you can get here!

    11. Olive are dark brown and black and dark red . . These people images are seen all over Europe as black people, through paintings and sculpture as black people not white. Shakespeare depiction of Arab was a tall black man named Othello,

  3. very informative makes me want to go back to islam now lol. peace

  4. Lmao word i think im be muslim again thanks ahk

  5. Brother Wesley,
    Thank you for having the bravery and the courage for doing all the work you do. I know you are right and I am looking forward in reading all your works!!! Please know you are supported and respected by all people seeking knowledge of self. As a 5% from the 1990's who ent to a HBC thank you for reminding we all have a responsibility!!!

  6. White historians, in their bid to make ancient Europeans seem White, have chosen to ignore the "obvious" relationships that must have existed between Berbers and the people of iberia. When Grimaldi crossed the Gibraltar straits to enter Europe, all of his kind did not follow.



    In 219 B.C. the first Roman troops invaded the Iberian Peninsula, this during the Second Punic war against the Carthaginians. After two centuries of war with the Celtic and Iberian tribes, and also the Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian colonies, Rome annexed it under Augustus, resulting in the creation of the province of Hispania. It was divided into Hispania Ulterior and Hispania Citerior during the late Roman Republic, and during the Roman Empire, it was divided into Hispania Taraconensis in the northeast, Hispania Baetica in the south and Lusitania in the southwest.
    In the early 5th century A.D. new Whites invaded, these were Germanic tribes from Eastern Europe, namely the Suevi, the Vandals (Silingi and Hasdingi) and their allies, the Sarmatian Alans. Only the kingdom of the Suevi (Quadi and Marcomanni) would endure after the arrival of another wave of Germanic invaders - The Visigoths; who had earlier established their own kingdom with its capital at Toulouse France. They slowly extended their authority into Hispania, displacing the Vandals and Alans. The Visigoths, subsequently conquered all of the Iberian peninsula and expelled or partially integrated the Vandals and the Alans. The Visigoths eventually conquered the Suevi kingdom and its capital city Bracara (modern day Braga) in 584-585 A.D. They would also conquer the province of the Byzantine Empire Spania, in the south of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.






    The Moors


    White historians, in their bid to make ancient Europeans seem White, have chosen to ignore the "obvious" relationships that must have existed between Berbers and the people of iberia. When Grimaldi crossed the Gibraltar straits to enter Europe, all of his kind did not follow. When Humans move to new territories "Most" stay behind in the old territory, and they "maintain" their relationships; there is always back and forth travel for trade and communication. It is against this backdrop that the Berber invasion of Iberia must be viewed. The Berbers did not enter Iberia as destroyers, they entered as builders!

    Thus, after Muhammad's Islamic army took Egypt in 640 A.D. and then went on to conquer all of North Africa. The Berbers no-doubt saw this new Black army as an opportunity; so rather than fight, the Berbers joined forces with the Islamic army. In 711 A.D. A Berber army led by general Tariq ibn Ziyad, invaded Iberia (Spain) and overthrew the White Visigoths (Western Goths): Who were one of two main branches of the Goths, an east Germanic tribe, who over the period of only one hundred years, had migrated from eastern Europe, thru Greece, thru Italy, and finally down into the Iberian peninsula.

    In Iberia (Spain and Portugal), the Berbers, now known as Moors, created a highly advanced civilization and culture, famous for it’s art, architecture, and centers of learning. While having rule over Spain: The Berbers, who themselves fifty years earlier had been forced to accept Islam, now sometimes forced the inhabitants of Iberia to do the same. Though the number of original "Moors" remained small, many native Iberian inhabitants converted to Islam. According to Ronald Segal, some 5.6 million of Iberia's 7 million inhabitants were Muslim by 1200 A.D, virtually all of them native inhabitants. According to historian Richard A. Fletcher, the number of Arabs who settled in Iberia was very small. There were about 900,000 Berbers and about 90,000 Arabs in Iberia.

    1. the grimaldi was said by whites to have steatopygia. the only two groups of people who were known to have that were the Khoisian and groups of Andaman islanders (who are black and the first inhabitants of india).

  7. You know, as a Turkish person I can understand this. Our history is full of central asian themes. The Turkish people are in a small identity crisis these days. Are we Arab, European or Central Asian Turkic? It seems all of it. But how? This opposite situation where arabs are actually the mix actually makes a lot of sense. However in many similar threads as these there is always one important thing forgotten: the genetic mixing during THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Don't forget that even before that, during the conquests of Alexander, Egyptians were referred to as 'nubians' (black basically). I wonder how far this pigmentation extended in the middle east. It certainly encompassed the west and south of Africa, that's for sure. The Roman Empire forever changed that. And it never really ended, I think, with the caliphates soon after. Very interesting indeed.

    1. "Turkish DNA" adlı facebook grubuna bakmanı öneririm.İnsanlar dna testlerinin sonuçlarını paylaşıyorlar.

  8. Also a very important thing we have to then consider is the identity of the migrants from ancient Egypt, the tribe of Judah, the Israelites. And through all traditions we know that Arabs are the nearest in identity to the Isrealites.

    1. I would say the modern negro are the descendants of the hebrew israelites

    2. actually it would be ethiopians, or black people who would and ARE.

    3. Israelites are not Africans the lost sheep of the house of Israel are in the Americas! Atlantic slave trade!King Solomon never married queen Sheba that's a Pharisee fake Jew lie!

  9. Real Arabs were black, i completely agree.

  10. Real Arabs were black, i completely agree.

  11. Replies
    1. Teach your children that suppose to rule the world no fur head white don't really have any history because they are not really humans they are fur head neanderthal monkeys

    2. Just giggle the second son of the prophet Ishmael as KADAR PURE BLACK ARAB TRIBE?It gets no ancient than this!Muhammad saw was black like all real ancient arabs,Arabs today are white because they mix with non Arabs!Muhammas saw said I had a dream and I saw black sheep following me and white sheep following the black sheep Muhammad saw interpretation of the dream was the black sheep were arabs and the white sheep were no arabs!We know ALI ra and all his sons was black even MAHDI as will appear BLACK looking like a BLACK BR from the he WEST?Even hadiths say Mahdi 9 elite minsters will b DARKSKIN NONARABS all of them will speak Arabic.All of them and Mahdi will b born and raised in the west ALLAH will hide Mahdi amongst nonmoslems.It always been racist and prejudice amongst the ummah of Muhammad saw!

  12. Very informative. If we are the original people meaning we inhabited the land first.

    1. Let's say we inhabit the land frist with knowledge of GOD!(ALLAH)

  13. The indigenous Arabs are non Africans. These Arabs are biologically linked to the Out of Africa people and so has no relations to today's Africans.

    1. Niggers are ugly unevolved apes that god cursed árabs ñ moroccans are to damn ayttavtive

    2. Yet these niggers ruled the world in NEMROD'S TIME, civilized western europe with the Moors, check it up on you tube by ''the Moors in Europe'', built the pyramids and were the biblical israelites whetheryou like it or not. cHECK YOUR BIBLE. The first man was a black, you are certainly a pale copy of the original man, Angel.

    3. Willing to bet Angel is an Mexican.

    4. niggaz build everything worldwide, but when came back to serangheti forgot everything and build only some mudhuts 🤣🤣 these are your moors ? 🤣

  14. Very informative. Please continue

  15. Very informative. Please continue

  16. In the words of Abby Lincoln: "They'll still your ancestors if you let them". And they are also claiming the Polynesian people are from Taiwan. No reference to Africa. I guess they had hair perms and nose jobs even 100 years ago!

    1. I suppose you don't realize that there was an indigenous people of Taiwan that are not Chinese.

  17. Arab is one of many ethnonyms granted to the Amorites e.g. Bedouins , a nomadic-lifesfyle Semitic people sharing both historical as cultural and genetic affinities with " Indo-Aryan " populations
    Aborigenes of Arabia weren't Arabs under an ethnic point of view though they were assimilated to Arabism as a Breton or Martinican are assimilated to Frenchness ( France has enormously copied the Arab-Muslim system for that matter) .

    We should not confuse Aboriginal and Canadian.

    1. Amorite are cannanite white peoples mountains people NO SEMITIC people from the mountains we from Asia!

  18. Asians are retards mongoloids incest children who lied to them and told them they are smart they are natural born idiots

    1. Wow, so much hate that it could not be confined to Europeans.

    2. Europeans are the fathers of hate and evil!

    3. No you afrocentrists are evil, you claim everyones race, Arabs are olive skinned, East-Asian are yellow, South-Asian are brown, all those three are not white.

    4. We was the first,black bile is in all!

  19. Who build a 5000 mile wall for nothing because it never stop invasions who breed 1 billion population that it can't feed who build cities for a half million people that their citizens can afford to live in idiots call chinese

  20. Black people around the world you are the only true humans

  21. All brown so call races are mix people arabs indians chinese japanese italians latinos they are all a mix between blacks and whites for centuries back and forward some have more black blood some have more white blood

    1. Sorry nigger monkey not all latinos are ugly subapes like you

    2. Sanchez, yeah, they are ungly between jungle monkies and chicken-heads.

  22. All brown so call races are mix people arabs indians chinese japanese italians latinos they are all a mix between blacks and whites for centuries back and forward some have more black blood some have more white blood


    1. Check out:


      the jr-comment at:

    2. you idiot, these brownish paintings middle eastern looking in hot climate, these egyptians not black
      btw afrocentrics so low iq, they claim egypt and middle east, middle easterners arabs and persians conquered black egypt and made them not black ? 🤣🤣 also claim greeks and romans was half black 🤣🤣 damm you shoud be fucking retard 🤣🤣

    3. Julien romanovsky, you idiot it's not so negros in your paintings, brownish is tan middle eastern caucasian looking. Egypt, north africa and middle east was all white in golden ages until dirty black arabs and nubians invaded. Look close to mummies, nothing even similar to negro
      not negro features
      what is negros in egypt
      egypt had these kind of features from same climate, with light brownish tan skin for climate and ancient world life style


    1. Yes you are right but need to learn more. Ancient Iraqians or Babylonians were dark skinned. There are ew left there today mistakenly called slaves. They are the original people like in Palestine and Egypt today. Dont take oence in learning just like Jesus and Moses were black. Evidenes are in the Quran i you care to look deeply. Learn hitory. Arabia was predominaylt black too includong the Quraish.

      Alhamdu lil Allah I am muslim but I prefer knowing the truth than historic falsifications to suit a race.

    2. A lot of Palestine and Egypt are pale also we don't hqve to GI to Africa to get black out of Arabs.Muhammad sa me it clear ancient Arabs are and was black KADAR early the second single of the prophet Ishmael as was black pure black Arab tribes goggle it?

    3. A lot of Palestine and Egypt are pale also we don't hqve to GI to Africa to get black out of Arabs.Muhammad sa me it clear ancient Arabs are and was black KADAR early the second single of the prophet Ishmael as was black pure black Arab tribes goggle it?

    4. Abraham's wife was a cushite (African). Joseph's wife was an Egyptian(African). Abrahams concubine ,Hagar, was an egyptian who then gave birth to Ishmael father of the Half Semetic and Half African arabs. He then married an egyptian woman and further added egyptian into his family tree. Semetic people were most likely dark-skinned as well not saying they were african but they were still dark-skinned.

    5. I meant Moses' wife was a cushite

    6. As salamu alaikum excuse me I did not mean to act like Egypt or ARABS are anciently white or pale people no I know and believe they the ancient ones were black today you see pale Arabs and in Egypt and the Arab world and ISLAM have been whitewash by there father's one thing about a ancient ISRAELITE that good and over a ancient Arab white people when they mix with black ISRAELITIS it's impossible to turn whole generations white like they did with Arabs,this is why IMAM MAHDI will appear looking like a ISRAELITE from the house of AARON with MO blemish in his blood.And this is why Arabs in Arabia will fight him because he will be black and look nothing like them.

    7. U niggers are so ugly looking like gorillas baboons Gibbons ñ chimpanzees ewwwww so disgusting

    8. @ Sanchez Did you take your meds?

    9. Sanchez,
      You call the black a monkey so why do you spend your precious time talking to monkeys? The white race is the only race to claim that they evolve from a monkey. The black race says that they were created in Gods image. The white race says that they evolved from a Ape. Your people say that they evolved from a monkey. Black people believe that they were created in Gods image as the original man. All other men come from mankind (a kind of man), only blacks are original man, all other races are mankind. You call the black a monkey but only your people say you evolved from a monkey. CHECK YOURSELF, know who you are before you start calling people monkeys.

  25. ورجل أسمر، وهو أصفى من الآدم. أبي عَلِي الفارِسيورجل أسمر، وهو أصفى من الآدم. أبي عَلِي الفارِسي
    الأدْمُ مِنَ النَّاسِ السُّودُ ومِنَ الإبَلِ البِيضُ ومِنَ الظِّباءِ الحمْرُأبي منصور الثعالبي
    والأدْمَةُ في الناسِ: شُرْبَة من سَوَادٍ، وفي الإِبِلِ والظبَاءِ: بَيَاض - الصاحب بن عباد
    الآدَمُ السَّوَادُ والبَعيُر الآدَمُ أشَد بَيَاضاً الحربي
    وَالْأُدْمَةُ لَوْنُ الْعَرَبِ وَهِيَ السُّمْرَةُ فِي الرِّجَالِ وقد تقول العرب للأبيض من الإبل الآدم - ابن عبد البر
    فالآدم الأسمر الذي علاه شيء من سواد قليلا والأدمة لون العربابن عبد البر
    ولا بالآدم الشديد الأدمة - ابن حجر
    والسواد شدَّة الأدمة - ابن سيده
    ويقال أتاني كل أسود منهم وأحمر ولا يقال وأبيض ومعناه جميع الناس عربهم وعجمهم الرازي
    بعثت إلى الأحمر والأسود فأسودهم العرب وأحمرهم العجم ابن منظور
    وَيَقُولُونَ فِي الْكِنَايَة عَن العربيّ والعجميّ: الْأسود والأبيض، وَالْعرب تَقول فيهمَا: الْأسود والأحمر، تَعْنِي الْعَرَب والعجم لِأَن الْغَالِب على ألوان الْعَرَب الأدمة والسمرة، وَالْغَالِب على ألوان الْعَجم الْبيَاض والحمرة- الحريري
    وفي الحديث: بعثت إلى الأحمر والأسود، أي إلى العرب والعجم لأن الغالب على ألوان العرب السواد والسمرة، والاغلب على ألوان العجم البياض والحمرة، والمارد بالعجم ما عدا العرب، الكشكول - البهاء العاملي
    وَالْعَرَبُ تُطْلِقُ الْأَخْضَرَ عَلَى كُلِّ لَوْنٍ لَيْسَ بِأَبْيَضَ وَلَا أَحْمَرَ قَالَ الشَّاعِرُ وَأَنَا الْأَخْضَرُ مَنْ يَعْرِفُنِي أَخْضَرُ الْجِلْدَةِ مَنْ نَسْلِ الْعَرَبْ يَعْنِي أَنَّهُ لَيْسَ بِأَحْمَرَ كَالْعَجَمِوَالْأَحْمَرُ يُطْلِقُونَهُ عَلَى كُلِّ مَنْ لَيْسَ بِعَرَبِيٍّ وَمِنْهُ بُعِثْتُ إِلَى الْأَسْوَدِ وَالْأَحْمَرِابن حجر أبو الفضل العسقلاني
    قوله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم: «بعثت إلى الأحمر والأسود» ، إن المراد بالأحمر: العجم لغلبة البياض فيهم؛ والمراد بالأسود: العرب لغلبة السّمرة فيهم - القلقشندي
    (والأسود): العرب لأن الغالب على ألوانهم الأدمة، والأدمة قريبة من السواد. والأحمر: العجم، لأن الغالب على ألوانهم البياض والحمرة. ابن الأثير
    وقيل لهم بُقعان لاختلاف أَلوانهم وتَناسُلِهم من جنسين وقال القُتَيْبي البقعان الذين فيهم سواد وبياض ولا يقال لمن كان أَبيض من غير سواد يخالطه أَبْقع فكيف يَجعل الرومَ بقعاناً وهم بَيض خُلَّص ؟ قال وأُرَى أَبا هريرة أَراد أَن العرب تَنْكِحُ إِماءَ الرُّوم فتُستعْمَل عليكم أَولادُ الإِماء وهم من بَني العرب وهم سُود ومن بني الروم وهم بِيض ولم تكن العرب قبل ذلك تَنكِح الرُّوم إِنما كان إِماؤُها سُوداناً والعرب تقول أَتاني الأَسود والأَحمر يريدون العرب والعجم ولم يرد أَنَّ أَولاد الإِماء من العرب بُقْع كبُقْعِ الغِربانِ وأَراد أَنهم أَخذوا من سواد الآباء وبياض الأُمَّهات ابن الأَعرابي ابن منظور
    يُوشِكُ أن يَعْمَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ بُقعانُ أهْلِ الشّامِ:يُريدُ خَدَمُهُم لبياضهم، وشَبَّهَهُمْ بالشيء الأبْقَعِ الذي فيه بَياضٌ، يعني بذلك الروم والسودان. الفراهيدي البصري
    وهم بين سواد العرب وبياض الروم قال الأزهري أراد بالبقعان السبي والمماليك سموا بذلك لأن الغالب على ألوانهم البياض والصفرة فقيل لهم بقعان لاختلاط ألوانهم وتناسلهم من جنسين إبن الجوزي

    1. Lessons from a REAL SUFI!U don't have to know Arabic to know Islam u have to know Arabic to know the science of Islam which is not NUBUWWA ISLAM???We have to many UNLETTERED MUHAMMAD BAWA MUHAIYADDEEN RA in the ULAMA OF MUHAMMAD through out history,Who in this age was wiser than him?

  26. البُقْعان الذين فيهم سواد وبياض لا يقال لمن كان أبيضَ من غير سواد يخالطه أبقع والمعنى أن العَرب تَنْكح إماء الروم فيُسْتَعْمل على الشام أولادُهم وهُم بين سَواد العرب وبياض الروم - ابن الأثير
    وَإِلَّا فهم عرب، وألوانهم الأدمة والسمرة والسواد المرسي
    والبجة قوم يعبدون الأصنام وما استحسنوه، ثم يتصل ذلك بأرض الحبشة وهم نصارى، وتقرب ألوانهم من ألوان العرب بين السواد والبياضالإصطخري
    فَإِذَا رَجُلٌ طَوِيلٌ أَسْوَدُ، فَقُلْتُ: مَنْ هَذَا؟ قَالَ أَبُو ذَرٍّ البيهقي
    وكان أبو ذر رجلا أسود كث الشع سير أعلام النبلاء
    عن قيس بن أبي حازم قال وفدت إلى أبي بكر مع أبي فدخلنا عليه في مرضه الذي مات فيه فرأيته رجلا أسمر خفيف اللحمابن أبي عاصم ص
    وكان أبو بكر طوالا آدم نحيفا خفيف العارضين غائر العينين مشرف الجبهة ناتىء الوجنتين، يغير شيبة بالحناء والكتم أبي الحسن المسعودي
    عَنْ زِرٍّ، قَالَ: "كُنْتُ بِالْمَدِينَةِ فَإِذَا رَجُلٌ آدَمُأَعْسَرُ أَيْسَرُ ضَخْمٌ، إِذْ أَشْرَفَ عَلَى النَّاسِ، كَأَنَّهُ عَلَى دَابَّةٍ، فَإِذَا هُوَ عُمَرُ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ " الطبراني
    عَنْ صِفَةِ عُثْمَانَ بن عفان، فَلَمْ أَرَ بَيْنَهُمُ اخْتِلافًا، قَالُوا: هُوَ رَجُلٌ لَيْسَ بِالْقَصِيرِ وَلا بِالطَّوِيلِ حَسَنُ الْوَجْهِ، رَقِيقُ الْبَشَرَةِ، كَبِيرُ اللِّحْيَةِ عَظِيمُهَا،أَسْمَرُ اللَّوْنِأبو نعيم
    سألت أبا جعفر محمد بن علي قلت ما كانت صفة علي قال رجل آدم شديد الأدمةابن سعد
    كان علي بن ابي طلب أدم اللون، أصلعالنووي
    وكان علي عليه السلام آدم، شديد الأدمة مناقب علي لإبن المغازلي
    إذا نظرت إليه قلت ادم وإن تبينته من قريب قلتأن يكون أسمر أدنى من أن يكون ادم تاريخ دمشق
    وَكَانَ طلحة بن عبيد الله آدَمَ كَثِيرَ الشَّعْرِ رَجِلًا حَسَنَ الْوَجْهِ، ابن أبي عاصم
    كَانَ سَعْدُ بْنُ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ جَعْدَ الشَّعْرِ، أَشْعَرَ الْجَسَدِ، آدَمَ، طَوِي لا أَفْطَسَأبو نعيم
    كانالزبير بن العوامرجلا ليس بالطويل ولا بالقصير خفيف اللحية أسمر اللون أشعر حاكم
    قال الواقدي كان حلية عبد الرحمن بن عوف رجلاً طوالاً حسن الوجه رقيق البشرة فيه خال أبيض مشرباً حمرة وقال غيره كان أعين أقنى جعد الشعر ضخم الكفين المطهر بن طاهر المقدسي
    كان سعيد بن زيد- رضى الله عنه- رجلا آدم، طويلا أشعر ابن قتيبة الدينوري

  27. Replies
    1. LOL Sandeep! Present day Arabs are Turks who are from the same central-Asian tribes as the Aryans

  28. i am amazigh "berber" and i am white

    1. You know why you're white right? Because of that Turkish blood in you!! Look on the map how far Turkey is from Africa. It's called Wars and Migration. The original berbers were black. Check out the North Carolina Law For Blacks Section 4.

    2. I think if anyone tries to use USA's "North Carolina Law For Blacks Section 4" as any scientific evidence of anything, they're clearly mistaken. USA has always been extremely unrealistic about racial identity and they still are. Most of their ideas are based off of racism towards non-Whites. They even had a one-drop rule which said even if you're a mere 1% Sub-Saharan African, you're a Black man in USA. That's illogical and unscientific. Human population genetics is the science we should be using now, not old outdated ignorant USA laws. Never use "facts" made up in the 1800s about race, it's usually incorrect. Human population genetics didn't exist back in the 1800s and people back then used ignorant words such as "coloreds" for a Human classification. Indians are very dark skinned, they're not Sub-Saharan Africans. That throws that 200 year old term "coloreds" category of Humans out of the loop as a scientific term now...

    3. The real colors of a Indian is RED SIR?A Indian will even tell u that

    4. @ Sufi Not true.

      Search-re-search: Samuel Rafinesque 1783 - 1840 born in Contantinople in the Ottoman Empire, where the Sufi derwishes originate, went to the USA
      described by academic experts asa eccentriuc genius. R. excelled in almost everything that he did, he wrote extensively about the various colours ( also white) native Americans and helps you out of your dream: there has never been a Red Man in all of the Americas.

      The term Redskin comes from the scalps of the Native Americans that a European bountyhunter had to show his paymaster in order to cash.

      Anyway one tip:

      View the videos, 15 parts of the Costa Ricaborn Kurimeo Ahau:

      From indigenous American to African American:

  29. Arabs are originally black and related to africans, even the semitic languages came from africa. Modern ones are mixed with romans, turks, afghans, persians and other light skinned people.

    1. Go read more. The real semitic arabs were not white or black. The black arabs were result to the arab slavery trade before Islam. And who became arabized after Islam

    2. U need to study more?ALL PROPHETS was BLACK!

  30. read about antarah ibn shaddad he is a black arab, and he got his blackness from his eithiopian mother, he also known as the arab crow ,thats mean his blackness was noticeable among the arabs, it's would not happen if the arabs during his time were blacks , anatarah was born during the pre-ISLAMIC era ,so base on his story we can conclude that arabs weren't black and weren't black during the time propeth Muhammad (peace upon him) and we don't need persian to make the arabs become white,sorry for the bad grammar asssalamuaaikum

    1. Go on my goggle page and see the proof from hadiths and classic ulama what the color of Muhammad saw and his house hold-were BLACK!!!!!

    2. The Ottoman Empire
      The Ottoman Empire (Anatolia/Turkey) included, Greece , Egypt, Bosnia, Herzegovinia , Serbia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria and Italian North Africa.

      Modern-Day Countries of which some of their territory was controlled by the Ottoman Empire:
      Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Morocco.

      Modern Day Countries of which all of their territory (except sparsely populated regions)
      was controlled by the Ottoman Empire at some point:
      Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Malta, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, FYRO Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary.

    3. You are incorrect on your historic facts the ottoman empire NEVER control Morocco,SYEDS have been the leader so of Morocco for four hundred years they was NEVER part of the ottoman empire!You will get checked brother when posting under me

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Can someone please tell me exactly where did the white race come from and why are they war mongrels, murderers, greedy, covetous, liars and hateful?

    1. how bout you tell me why you stupid afrocentrist peoples are always steal other peoples race history. Us Arab r olive skin color.

  33. Indeed уσυ speak the truth.

    My father never lies, and i m his son


    1. Mahdi black from western land's he's a convert to Islam he don't even relate to Arab's

  34. its the negro law of SOUTH Carolina, which says "The term Negro is confined to Slave Africans (The Ancient Berbers) and their descendants It does not embrace the free inhabitants of Africa...."

  35. there is no pure blood but the "Aryan" and the zionist one .... ie, all races are a nixture now, and we are all from the same race Adam

  36. Why are everyone looking for ways online to get help solving their pregnancy and infertility problems when most of every native American is talking online about the help of Dr Mandaker Alamun. I checked him out when my husband who could not get me pregnant for over 9 years of marriage as a result of low sperm count became fertile and now, I am 5 months pregnant and it is this man known as Dr Mandaker who helped my husband solve his problem. My name is Alecia Maldonado from CA USA. I would advise anyone and everyone who needs the help of any spell caster in love marriage,finance, job promotion,lottery spell,poker spell,golf spell,Law & Court case Spells,money spell,weigh loss spell,diabetic spell,hypertensive spell,high cholesterol spell,Trouble in marriage,Barrenness(need spiritual marriage separation),good Luck, Money Spells,he also heal HIV and AID and it's all he does or looking for breakthrough in your political career to meet this Dr Mandaker the link to his website copy this link ( email contact for He is a Reliable and trustworthy. I and my husband have gone to different hospitals having the thinking that I was at fault for not getting pregnant. But at the Federal hospital, they examined him too and his sperm count was low and unable to get a woman pregnant as a result of male infertility. It was then I sort out,thanks to Dr Mandaker.

  37. They are were whited out to get rid of there dark skin same thing our own black people are doing right now today bleaching them selves

  38. Angel Sanchez, please research so you don't make yourself appear as a Hispanic Fool and embarrass your people. I am of Ethiopian origin. You need to study the two segments of the Arabs: the Umayyads (northern lighter skin people) and the Abbasids (southern black skinned people. The Umayyads were overthrown, together with the Sasanians of the Persian Empire and the Romans of the Lower Empire, by the Abbasids. These black-skinned warriors went forth and conquered the world which resulted in the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate. The Black Silk Flag was their banner. Now go somewhere and get educated Sanchez and stop sounding like a fool.

  39. Hi klz. klz in Dutch: klootzak, type in the English translation

    "All serious Scholars acknowledge that the Kemetian/Ta Setian aka (Egyptian/Nubian); never depicted themselves as Semites/whites,but as native Africans aka Black (Hued man) dark/brown skin,kinky/woolly hairs people; narrow/thick nose,thick lips ,slanted eyes,physical curves; braided hairs/weaves, dread locks, afro hairs, typical African earrings etc... typical native African features/culture ! as proved by Greeks and other ocular witnesses. The reminiscence of their cultures/customs are found among tribes/ethnic groups in Africa specially for anyone who travel along the Nile river in southern area,toward the heart of Africa.A page for truth seekers"

    1000 pictures site most probably run by Robert Bauvall a true knower of how the Logos created ancient Egypt: KMT

    KLZ my dear fellowmortal you are a blind shoarma roll on 4 legs now living in Cairo or something. You bleat like that fake negro
    Zahi Haw Ass, luckily enough EX Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, what a loser, triying to be a Las Vegas Egyptian looking Indiana Jones.

    Gamel Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat these were the the modern black Egyptian leaders. Not that sissy idiot: he is a jew licking Netanyahu´s fake jew ass.

    You might know Nasser´s quote on the fake jews now occupying Israel since 1948: You left black and came back white. You are impostors.

    It is said that Prophet Jesus as a baby fled to Egypt with his Mom & Dad, he was black* like the Egyptians of that time. If (t)he(y) would have been light skinned they would be easily detected by Herods henchmen.

    God gave you eyes so you can watch:

    h.a.n.d. have a nice day

    (p.s. I don´t know about the jesus is heru based story, it is promoted by the zionide jew Zeitgeist movie too. If JC is not a concrete historical real man then why is the ´holy book´, Talmud of the fake jews putting him in heap of excreements for eternity and why degrade his mother as a whore etc.)

  40. @ Unknown August 26, 2019 at 1:29 AM

    Absolutely, this all can be archived under the heading `pigmentality´

    Even in the big subcontinent India with its ancient very darkskinned sages and gods. In India today they are more likely to run out of skin bleaching cremes.

  41. conferency about the black colour of the real arabs and the prophete Mohamed SAWS

    Islamic prooves , many sahih hadith

    Epxplained by the famous ahadith specialist from Algeria , CHEICK ISLAM AHMAD
    just look , and see they were blacks , like the real hebrews too

    1. What's a Hebrew?O as word that's origin is paganism.Yhis word hebrew is what the cannaanites called those that Cross the Euphrates River over 8,000yrs ago.The prophet ibraham we as one,the Hebrew language never prospered in the middle east!

    2. HERPES INFECTION CURE IS 100% AVAILABLE WITH THE HELP OF DR OGBERAESE HERBAL MEDICINE.Joy and happiness is all i can see around ever since i came in contact with this great man Called Dr Ogberaese. i complained bitterly to him about me having herpes only for him to tell me it’s a minor stuff. He told me he has cured thousands of people but i did not believe until he sent me the herbal medicine and i took it as instructed by this great man, only to go to the hospital after two weeks for another test and i was confirmed negative. For the first time in four years i was getting that result. i want to use this medium to thank this great man. His name is Dr Ogberaese , i came in with his email through a friend in USA called Edith Rose and ever since then my live has been full with laughter and great peace of mind. i urge you all with herpes or HSV1&2 to contact him if you are willing to give him a chance. you can contact him through his email or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073818653


  42. I enjoyed reading this blog. in my opinion, everything was perfectly written there as well as few small tips are also can be taken as healthy suggestion. Descriptive informative content written in this blog is very useful.

    Arabs Family Origin

  43. Its amazing how ignorant other races are too their own existence. Just read about who the Aboriginal or Indigenous people of your respective countries are and the answers are plain to see. Africans are the oldest people in our human history, white historians and scientists, Anthropologist and so on have all agreed this fact. If other races are in denial because of what modern society tells you...that is up to you. It still will not change facts. I find it funny that you are try to fight with the creator! The executive decision was made by him. He gave Africa to Africans. If you want to truly understand the boundaries of Africa you just need to understand the Tectonic plates of the earth. it defines where Africa starts and finishes.

    Using all this energy to cuss and fight about things you have no real understanding about. Children pretending to be wise adults. smh

  44. HERPES INFECTION CURE IS 100% AVAILABLE WITH THE HELP OF DR OGBERAESE HERBAL MEDICINE.Joy and happiness is all i can see around ever since i came in contact with this great man Called Dr Ogberaese. i complained bitterly to him about me having herpes only for him to tell me it’s a minor stuff. He told me he has cured thousands of people but i did not believe until he sent me the herbal medicine and i took it as instructed by this great man, only to go to the hospital after two weeks for another test and i was confirmed negative. For the first time in four years i was getting that result. i want to use this medium to thank this great man. His name is Dr Ogberaese , i came in with his email through a friend in USA called Edith Rose and ever since then my live has been full with laughter and great peace of mind. i urge you all with herpes or HSV1&2 to contact him if you are willing to give him a chance. you can contact him through his email or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073818653

  45. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with Herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine for it, I have read about DR EDAGHONGHON the great herbalist doctor who cure me from herpes with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! After 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via UPS SPEED POST and it got to me after 3 days! I used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! it's really like a dream but i am so happy! for the people suffering from the following diseases, Cancer, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, Arthritis, Hpv, Infections,Liver Disease,, Autoimmune Diseases, Parkinson's disease,,Lupus and more should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes and his medicine is legit. I sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which I took for 3 good weeks and today am out here with a negative result. When I went for the test I was so happy after going through his medication. you can reach him through his email: or call whatsapp number:+2349056731866 he will help you out.

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