Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Arabia was the Cradle of Civilization.
Many Afrocentrists got mad at this teaching, thinking the Honorable Elijah was
slighting Africa. For two reasons these dear persons need not be upset:
A baby is not born in or from a cradle. A baby is only subsequently deposited
there. Arabia as the Cradle does nothing to dethrone Africa (west of the Red
Sea) as the Mother.
The scientific data now FULLY confirm this fact.
genetic data proves that: “Arabia was indeed the first staging post in the spread
of modern humans.”
Fernandes et al, “The Arabia Cradle: Mitochondrial Relicts of the First Steps
along the Southern Route out of Africa,” The
American Journal of Human Genetics 90 (2012): 1-9.
researchers say genetic studies suggest the first humans leaving the Horn of
Africa to the rest of the world first settled in Arabia.”
“Arabia saw first humans out of Africa,” Science News,, 1/26/2012:
Archaeogenetics indicate that the progenitor African group that gave birth to today’s human population migrated out of Africa into Arabia about 70,000 years ago. Richard Gray, writing for the Telegraph [UK] announced May 09, 2009:
“The entire human race
outside Africa owes its existence to the survival of a single tribe of around
200 people who crossed the Red Sea 70,000 years ago, scientists have
discovered…Research by
geneticists and archaeologists has allowed them to trace the origins of modern homo
sapiens back to a single group of people who managed to cross from the Horn
of Africa and into Arabia. FROM THERE
they went on to colonize the rest of the world.”
Gray, “African tribe populated rest of the world,”
the first location the Out-of-Africa migrants touched down in was Arabia, and
there they developed for millennia before going on to populate other parts of
the world.
get mad, get up-to-date:
Underhill et al, “The Phylogeography of Y chromosomes binary haplotypes and the
origins of modern human populations,” Annals of Human Genetics 65 (2001): 43-62.
Luis et al, “The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional
Corridors of Human Migrations,” American
Journal of Human Genetics 74 (2004): 532ff.
Vandermeersch, “The Near Eastern Hominids and the Origins of Modern Humans in
Eurasia,” in Takeru Akazawa,
Kenichi Aoki, and Tasuku Kimura (edd.), The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia (Tokyo:
Hokusen-sha, 1992): 29-38.
Andrews, W.R. Hamilton and P.J. Whybrow, “Dryopithecines from the Miocene of
Saudi Arabia,” Nature 274 (1978):
Michael D. Petraglia, “The Lower
Paleolithic of the Arabian Peninsula: Occupations, Adaptations, and
Dispersals,” Journal of World History
17 (June 2003): 144-179.
M. Whalen and David E. Peace, “Early Mankind in Arabia,” ARAMCO World 43:4 (1992): 20ff.
I. Rose and Michael D. Petraglia, “Tracking the Origin and Evolution of Human
Populations in Arabia,” in Michael D. Petraglia and Jeffrey I. Rose (edd.), The Evolution of Human Populations in
Arabia: Paleoenvironments, Prehistory and Genetics (London and New York:
Springer, 2009) 1-12.
"We, the tribe of Shabazz, says Allah (God), were the first to
discover the best part of our planet to live on. The rich Nile Valley of Egypt
and the present seat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia.” The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad, Message to the Black Man.
Before you get mad again and respond to this post angrily: STOP, do a few ‘Mooo Saaa’s to calm down, and
check the above sources. Then get back with me.
I just read the rebuttal of Asar Imhotep and it is clear that he is a certified idiot/dumb ass!
ReplyDeleteHis arguments are half ass at best. His main argument is based off an out of context remark that he took from this article that you (Wesley Muhammad) wrote.
He said you stated (and he is correct):
“Archaeogenetics indicate that the progenitor African group that gave birth to today’s human population migrated out of Africa into Arabia about 70,000 years ago.”
But, where Asar Imhotep displays his stupidity is that he consciously fails to mention that you also stated in the conclusion of your article that:
“FACT: the first location the Out-of-Africa migrants touched down in was Arabia, and there they developed for millennia before going on to populate other parts of the world.”
Thus, Dr Wesley’s concluding statement clearly clarifies what Asar Imhotep stupidly took issue against.
All Asar Imhotep had to do was scroll down and read your concluding statement where you said:
“FACT: the first location the Out-of-Africa migrants touched down in was Arabia, and there they developed for millennia before going on to populate other parts of the world.”
Asar Imhotep consciously chooses to misinterpret your article/statement and take it out of context. I could agree with Asar Imhotep’s point of contention if you (Wesley Muhammad) had not clarified your statement in your conclusion, but as anybody can see/read, you clearly did by stating it in your conclusion.
Reading comprehension is crucial and critical. Asar Imhotep needs to sign up for reading comprehension classes ASAP!
Peace 7
Dear Brothers,
ReplyDeletesince you're citing scientific data (the earth is older than 6k years, yay) and probably also heard about the genographic project, lead by Dr. Spencer Wells (human migration map:, I wonder where does the whole Story of Yacub and his creation of the white woman fit in?
According to this documentary ( white people evolved from central Asians who evolved from black Africans/Middle Easterners. Thanks.
Peace and Love.
an indian historian wrote a book 60 yrs back abt the origin of civilization titled'Outlines of the Proto historic Chronology of Western Asia'/written by KESARI BALAKRISHNAPIILLAI/in which he argues that Arabia is the origin of civilisation. He analysed entire myths of the world, hindu, islam jewish, christianand all others, and stated that Arabia is the land of Punt mentioned in all was published by Kerala university publication division, trivandrm, kerala , INDIA in 2009. its language is american journal of gentic studies published the article titled Arabian cradle..spencer wells study also indicates.if researchers read this book u can decide......i too believ that arabia is the cradle of first
ReplyDeleteIf I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen for a drink, I did not wake up in the hallway.
ReplyDeleteThis partial truth excludes the Gibraltar Strait and the West Africa to America gulf current.